BUA Cement (Obu), Edo
BUA Cement (Obu) is a $1 billion (USD) investment of BUA Group primarily engaged in the business of quarrying, extracting, processing and dealing in limestone as well as the manufacture and supply of cement. The cement plant is located in Edo state and both lines represent the largest non-oil, and gas related investment in the South-South, Nigeria.
Plant Information
Equipped with the most modern and efficient gas turbine, the BUA Cement (Obu) ultra-modern plant generates 50 megawatts of electricity.
Watch the video below to learn more.

- Obu-Okpella, Edo State
- (South-South Nigeria)
- .

Production Capacity
- Line 1 - 3 million mtpa
- Line 2 - 3 million mtpa
- Line 3 - 3 million mtpa

Completion Date
- 2015: BUA Cement (Obu) Line 1
- 2018: BUA Cement (Obu) Line 2
- 2023: BUA Cement (Obu) Line 3
Go to BUA Cement (Sokoto) Plant